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Aquaforest AF Natural Substrate

Aquaforest AF Natural Substrate

AF Natural Substrate is a nutrient-rich, peat & clay-based substrate for planted aquariums. It contains readily available micronutrients to support plant growth over long periods.

  • Peat and clay-based natural substrate
  • Designed for freshwater planted aquariums
  • Rich in readily available micronutrients and trace elements
  • High Cation Exchange Capacity to absorb and distribute excess nutrients 

Peat creates excellent conditions for root systems, supplying plants with all necessary minerals and trace elements. Clay improves the substrate texture to create an aquascape base with an ideal consistency. Both peat and clay naturally store excess nutrients to help maintain biological balance in the tank. The peat and clay’s natural Cation Exchange Capacity (CEC) will also absorb any excess nutrients from the water, and either make them available through the roots or release them back into the water once it become depleted. 

Micronutrient contents have been supplemented under laboratory supervision to make sure that aquatic plants have an abundance of trace elements, while the chemical balance of the tank stays in check. AF Natural Substrate is rich in micronutrients, so for the first three months, it is not recommended to use fertilizers containing micronutrients unless the plants show visible signs of deficiency. 


  • Spread the substrate on the bottom of the tank and compact it to achieve approx. 2-2.5 cm thick layer.
  • Cover with about 3cm of gravel or sand.
  • Gently fill the aquarium with about 15 cm of water. 
  • Fill the aquarium with water.

Additional Notes:

10 L of AF Natural Substrate should be sufficient for a 200 L aquarium with a 100 cm x 40 cm bottom. The substrate can lower and stabilize the pH of the water, therefore it is recommended to use a dedicated test or probe.

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